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"She don't care about books or school. No, she just wants to rock and roll. Baby, she's no fool. You're so cool" - Will Hoge
"You choose a path in life, and when you do, sprint. Don't stroll down it." - Kevin Lyman

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hanson Birmingham, Alabama October 7th, 2008

I never would have thought that less than a year after my first Hanson show, I would ever see them again. I remember asking my mom for the tickets for my birthday. I was at my birthday party, in front of all my friends. I was opening my cards and I opened one without a name. I asked whom it was from and no one answered. I opened the card and something fell into my lap. I read the card first and it said “Hope you have a rockin’ birthday. Love, Mom and Dad”. I opened the paper in my lap and it was Hanson tickets. I warned everyone at my party to cover their ears and I proceeded to scream and jump up and down like a little girl. Then I hugged both of my parents and thanked them profusely. When the day finally came, once again, I was extremely excited. When the day came, of course, I ran out of school and went on my way to Birmingham for the show. When we got there, we waited in line for a while. Then the doors opened and I ran into the venue and stood in the crowd. The first band, Everybody Else, was on. They were so adorable! When they were over, I went out and I met their dorky drummer. He was nice. I went back in and I waited for the next opening act to come on. They were called The Veronicas. They were not my favorite band but it was probably just because I wanted Hanson to come on stage. But of course, they were on Hanson time and were late coming out. When they finally came out, they opened with Something Going Round. Then, they followed it I Want To Take You Higher, Been There Before, Follow Your Lead, Where’s The Love, Great Divide, Strong Enough To Break, One More(?), Love Me, On The Rocks, Where Did It Start, Blue Sky, A Minute Without You, Cried(!), Running Man, Oh Darlin, MMMBop, Can’t Stop, Hey, Crazy Beautiful, and Watch Over Me. They encored with The Ugly Truth. Holy cow was I excited for that encore. That is one of my favorite Hanson songs. The show great but it still can not top my first Hanson show.

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