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"She don't care about books or school. No, she just wants to rock and roll. Baby, she's no fool. You're so cool" - Will Hoge
"You choose a path in life, and when you do, sprint. Don't stroll down it." - Kevin Lyman

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Day To Remember Common Courtesy Album Review

Well the three year wait is finally over. After a long legal battle, A Day To Remember has been given permission to release their newest album, Common Courtesy. This is the best A Day To Remember album to date and I am not just saying that because it is their newest release. Without further ado, here is my review of this beautiful masterpiece.

1. -  City Of Ocala - It should be noted that ADTR is from Ocala, Florida, so the title of this song is somewhat fitting. The opening "FUCK YEAH" is what makes ADTR who they are and what sets them apart from every other band out there. "This is our corner of the world, where we can come to be ignored" is a reference to Ocala because it is a well known fact that their hometown does not like them very much. "I'm right back at it again" is a preview of what is to come on the rest of this album because the second song goes by the same name. The first song on any album is always crucial, but even more so when it is your first album in three plus years and the song could potentially make or break the listener's interest. This song instantly grabs your attention and makes you want to finish the album because is just plain awesome. 

2. - Right Back At It Again - This song is a direct continuation from the last and the opening lyric "WE'RE COMING OUT SWINGING" is the opening lyric that will rock the crowd's faces off because that is hardcore ADTR. The lyrics "Never went to school, nobody talked to me except to tell me all the things I couldn't do. Don't want to hear about it.... So here I am. I'm right back at it again. Just like I've always said, if you're too cool for school I ain't here to make no friends" relate to me in so many different ways that I cry whenever I think about it. It is difficult to have a dream and no one believes in you. The end of the song when Jeremy yells "BRACE FOR IMPACT!" and goes straight into the breakdown is classic and the "bitch" at the end is perfect. "Leave the bitch? I like the bitch!"

3. - Sometimes You're The Hammer, Sometimes You're The Nail - The beginning intro with the "Da da da da da da da da "I GOT IT!" is my favorite opening of any song on this album and I get chills thinking about the crowd yelling this live. Out of this entire album, the one lyric I can relate to the most has to be "That's why sad songs make me happy, cause I don't have to feel alone." No truer words have been spoken and I dare someone to argue with me. "You don't have to like me, but you're gonna respect me." They better freaking respect ADTR. One of the most powerful lyrics on this album is "I reserve my right to feel uncomfortable, reserve my right to be afraid. I make mistakes and I am humbled every step of the way. I want to be a better person. I wanna know the master plan. Cast your stones. Cast your judgment. You don't make me who I am." The level of power in those lyrics is something that will make me cry every time I hear it because it is so damn beautiful.

4. - Dead And Buried - "I'm building an empire. Say I'm wrong." ADTR has grown into an empire. "You have a choice, be your own person, have your own voice. So let's set it off." A Day To Remember got where they are today because they followed the advice in that lyric. It is a very moving sentence and more people should abide by it. When they say "Set it off", I have a feeling people will actually take that literally and it will be freaking awesome! The chorus of this song rocks because it flows so freaking well. "What will the children sing, what will the children sing when I'm dead and buried? Dead and buried. Dead and buried. Dead and buried. Dead and buried."

5. - Best Of Me - First off, the transition from Dead and Buried into this song, is something that has stuck with me through the whole album listening process. It is not something that I can really put to words, you will just have to listen for yourself. This song sounds like If I Leave from What Separates Me From You, which was my favorite song from that album. Parts of this song go along with their battle with Victory Records such as the chorus "I can't believe you got the best of me. I can't believe I trusted every word you said. Stretched myself out way too far, now I can see you for who you are. I can't believe you got the best of me. I can't believe I trusted every word you said. It's all finally making sense, You took what's left of my innocence. Oh no, I can't believe you got the best of me." and "Can't you act your age? Is it that hard to say what you're thinking? Lately, my life's moving way too fast. You'd drag me down if I'd let you hold me back. What a mess you've made, and you hide from it at the bars you frequent. Blamed myself avoiding time this cost, but looking back you only learn from what you lost." If that is not a big "Screw You" to Victory, then I do not know what is. The lyric "This is the last time, this is the last time, you'll ever burden me" has perfect  harmony. When Jeremy sings the lyric "I will never be the one you want, no I will never be the one you want, finally come to terms that I can't stop, no not this time" I cried like a baby. That is so emotional and you can hear it in his voice. (And on a side note, the lyric "This is the last time... you'll ever burden me" sounds like the chorus of Papa Roaches song "Wish You've Never Met Me.")

6. - I'm Already Gone - Remember in the song Homesick where Jeremy says "Hey, mom, I wrote you some soft songs...?" Well this is one of those soft songs. "As I look round this make shift moving house, I'm searching for whatever's left of me. It's on the ground in a box that reads lost and found. It's lost and found. She said, just let it go. She said, it's all you've ever known" This is one of the most poetic lyrics I have heard in a long time. The chorus of this song is also powerful because it shows how the band feels about his fans. It is almost sad that he has to search for a reason to come back home but, he loves his fans so much that he feels at home with them. "And I'm, I'm already gone. I'm already something to someone that I don't know. When will I know? And I'm, I'm out making rounds on every side of town that I've been through, that I know to find my reason to come back home." I feel really emotional about this lyric because that is how I feel about my hometown. When I drive around, I try to find reasons to come back home and it fails. One of the last lyrics "There's not a thing that I regret, can't live my life in yesterday" is powerfully true. The emotion in this song is something that you just have to listen to, to fully understand.

7. - Violence (Enough Is Enough) - I do not have much to say about this song because it is probably my least favorite on the album. It sounds similar to 2nd Sucks from What Separates Me From You and Mr. Highway Is Thinking About The End from Homesick. The lyric "Always searching for the bright side to find the strength for when I fall" is something that various people can relate to because everyone gets let down and they have to prepare themselves for it. "Heavy lies the crown as I cut you down" is a lyric that flows so well. The rhyme is awesome. At the end, the lyric "You only get one chance and that's one too much. What's the world gonna say when I call your bluff, punk?" sounds just like the breakdown in 2nd Sucks. In slang terms "it goes hard" It is hard to write something about this song because it is not my favorite, but that is part of the job right?

8. - Life @ 11 -  "I'm a slave to all these voices in my head, and I'm afraid I'm afraid of what they've said. I'm a slave." That is so deep and so honest. I feel bad for whoever wrote the song to have to feel this way but unfortunately, I can relate, as can thousands of millions of others. "Sometimes when no ones left to listen I'll sit and argue with myself. Say all the things I wish to tell you, without hurting someone else. Sh- sh-shake it off. Go get the things you want. I'll bottle the shame, bottle the shame. Just sh-sh-shake it off, and no one will ever know ( won't know )." This lyric also goes with what I said earlier about the ones who have actually been through this. When Jeremy yells "STOP" I thought it was awesome and you can really hear the emotion in his voice. "Hey, you, you're gonna be a star. As long as you'll let us, we'll make you the person that you aren't" is a direct allusion to the battle with Victory Records. This album really shows a lot about the struggle that they went through with all of that.

9. - I Surrender - The opening line "You've got secrets, oh yeah, and I've got a weakness for them" is something that sounds like a person in a relationship would say. Personally, I think it is sweet, yet sad at the same time. He then goes on to say "So I surrender, I can't forget her." He is giving up because he knows he will not be able to forget this girl. "It's always something, it's always something with me and you." He is giving up on this person because she is always pissing him off.

10. - Life Lessons Learned The Hard Way - This song reminds me a lot of 2nd Sucks, Why Walk On Water When We've Got Boats, and Heartless. It is different than most of the songs on the album because it is so heavy and he screams through the whole song. The song takes a turn when Jeremy sings "I heard a little girl killed herself today. That blood is on your hands. When everyone knows your face, nothing is safe. You'll live your life as a fucking target." That is so sad and Jeremy sounds angry. It is hard to understand exactly what the song is saying but it is a good song to listen to when you are angry.

11. - End Of Me - OK, can we all agree that this song sounds just like Corey Taylor from Slipknot/Stone Sour? Surely I am not the only one that thinks that. Specifically, it sounds similar to the Slipknot song Snuff. Not only is this another soft song for his mom, but it is a song that I cry to every time I hear it because it is so freaking beautiful. I dare someone to say that they did not feel some sort of emotion while listening to this song. Every lyric is perfect in its own right. If they play this song live, I can hear the crowd screaming "I get it, no, I get it. Gave more than I took back, oh well (so back away!) I get it, no, I get it. Can't help those who don't wanna be helped." I imagine the crowd going absolutely nuts during that part because of the emotion that will be running through everyone's mind. I know I will be crying.

12. - The Document Speaks For Itself - According to an interview with Jeremy, this song was written about Victory Records. Certain lyrics are directly related to the lawsuit while others leave you confused as to what the hell they are talking about. There is not really much I can say about this song that I have not said about the rest of this album other than last album is a direct reference to the album What Separates Me From You. "All hail the thief forever trying to separate you and me. No fucking respect!"

13. - I Remember - This is my favorite song on the album. The first time I heard it, and even now, I still cry like a baby when I hear it. "I remember when I first saw the country. I remember sleeping in the van. Said goodbye to friends and family cause they could never understand. I remember jumping off of cliff tops. I remember playing with no one there. Yeah, I knew if I became successful it wouldn't change who am cause where I've been. Cause where I've been." That is just gut wrenching. "It's in the hardest time's we grow the most." Can I get that tattooed on me? That is perfect and probably one of the most meaningful lyrics on this album. "As I circle around what makes me happy, there isn't one place that I can be without leaving. This is my life." This is how I envision my career as a music journalist: never staying in one place for too long and repeating the process. My other all time favorite part of this album, and where I cried really hard, was "... I remember the coast of California. I remember trucks stops cross the land. Never kept too many idols, cause we were busy being them. I remember waking up in Georgia. I remember quitting my last job. Yeah I knew if I became successful it wouldn't change who I was cause where I've been. Cause where I've been." This song is perfect. This album is perfect. A Day To Remember is perfect.

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