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"She don't care about books or school. No, she just wants to rock and roll. Baby, she's no fool. You're so cool" - Will Hoge
"You choose a path in life, and when you do, sprint. Don't stroll down it." - Kevin Lyman

Monday, October 28, 2013

Taking Back Sunday, Polar Bear Club, Transit, & Sloss Minor Iron City Birmingham, AL 10/19/13

Last year, when I saw Taking Back Sunday on the Tell All Your Friends 10th Anniversary Tour, I knew I wanted to see them again and soon. It was almost a year before I got to see them again. This would be the fourth time I had seen them and I was pretty stoked.

The first band of the night was a local band, Sloss Minor. This was the second time I had seen them this year. They were good as always. I do not know any of the songs they played other than the one written about the TV show, Dexter, which was the singer's favorite show. The first time I saw them, the show had not ended yet. The circumstances were a wee bit different this time and he told us he was extremely disappointed with the outcome of the show. I did not watch it, so I cannot really sympathize.

Then it was time for Transit. They were with Taking Back Sunday on the TAYF 10th Anniversary Tour as well. Their fan-base is so awesome. They know every song by the band and Joe, their singer, acknowledges it while on stage. They played

Long Lost Friends
Listen & Forgive
Nothing Lasts Forever
Young New England (So much better live than on the album)
Second To Right
So Long, So Long
Skipping Stone (Best crowd response song by far)

When they were over, my cousin, aunt, and I, went to talk to Joe at the merch table. He is such a sweet, genuine guy. My aunt proceeded to tell him about the few times she had seen them. He thanked her and said that his own mother had only seen him once and thanked her for coming out. My cousin and I just talked to him about Pearl Jam, Warped Tour, and the likes. I cannot wait to see them again.

I walked back in just in time for Polar Bear Club to start. I saw PBC in passing at Warped Tour in 2012, but they did not really stick out to me. This time was a little bit different. Their singer had so much energy. His dancing was humorous and that made their performance all the more memorable. They played

Blood Balloon
Living Saints
Another Night In The Rock
Bottled Wind
Light Of Local Eyes
Eat Dinner, Bury The Dog, and Run
Killin' It
Burned Out In A Jar
Screams In Caves

Then it was time for Taking Back Sunday. Adam Lazzarra was not able to be at the show because his wife had their baby early. Adam called in Spencer Chamberlain from Underoath to take his place for the rest of the tour. Spencer explained to us that he knew he could never take Adam's place, but Adam specifically called him and asked him to do it. So he agreed and got in his car and learned the 15 songs that he needed to know. In my opinion, Spencer did such a great job and you could barely hear him over the crowd anyway. They played

You Know How I Do
Liar (It Takes One To Know One)
Faith (When I Let You Down)
Set Phasers To Stun
Error: Operator
What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost? (My Favorite)
A Decade Under The Influence
Number Five With A Bullet (Joe from Transit on vocals)
Existentialism On Prom Night (Straylight Run Cover) (John on vocals)
Timberwolves At New Jersey (My Other Favorite)
One-Eighty By Summer
Bonus Mosh Pt. II
You're So Last Summer
Best Places To Be A Mom


Cute Without The "E" (Cut From The Team) (My favorite song to hear live because the crowd kills it everytime)

Like I said earlier, Spencer did such a great job and I was happy that I got to see him again so soon after Underoath broke up. 

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