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"She don't care about books or school. No, she just wants to rock and roll. Baby, she's no fool. You're so cool" - Will Hoge
"You choose a path in life, and when you do, sprint. Don't stroll down it." - Kevin Lyman

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Interview with Dallas Taylor from Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster Zydeco Birmingham, AL 7/28/14

How is the tour with He Is Legend going so far?

It's going good. It's the fourth show, I think. We've toured with them before so we are good friends. They're a part of the family.

This is your first home show in awhile. How was that?

It was awesome! It's weird for us. It's home, kinda not home. I'm from Florida but I live in Birmingham, off 280. It's cool. Sometimes we consider Tampa home, but Birmingham is home. Tonight was one of the funnest home shows we've had.

What was your favorite part of playing tonight?

Having my buddy Jacob [Bunton, from Lynam] with us and having all the old guys come out. Every show has been fun on this tour. We have Jason Todd playing guitar with us and he is a well seasoned musician and has been around the block a time or two. It's an honor to have him play with us. Having the old members of Maylene made it a lot of fun.

Why did you ask Jacob to play with you tonight?

He is one of my best friends. He's always been kind of a part of Maylene deep down to me. He's a good dude.

I want to ask about the interaction you have with fans. Your fan base is awesome.

Aww! Thank you! I don't really call them fans. They are just friends. I'm just a guy. We're all just normal guys playing music. We're no different than anybody else and that's what makes it fun. I hate when bands think they are better or bigger. There is a connection when it's real. They see that you're a real person and you are just like them.

How do home show crowds compare to other shows?

It just depends. Atlanta has been the best show so far. It was a crazy crazy show. It could be somewhere in Wisconsin. It just depends on the energy of the crowd. It's the vibe. It's whatever comes to the band and it gets pushed back. If the crowd is giving you a really closed off feeling, it's hard to give that warm feeling back. Some of the best shows are places you never think would be good. Some of the worst shows are the places you thought they would be amazing.

Can you give me any updates on a new album?

I think we will start recording anywhere towards the beginning of next year. We've all been so busy with different things we do.

Anything else you want to add?

Thanks for interviewing me and thanks for coming out. And good t-shirt. He's [Eddie Vedder] a great ass story teller.

That he is, Dallas Taylor, that he is. 

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